Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Workshop - Maximizing Interview Success: Practice Interviewing Skills.

  • Intersession Workshop - Maximizing Interview Success: Practice Interviewing Skills.
    • When & Where: 7:30pm at 102 East Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA 22046. Click here to learn more about Intersession workshops.  
    • Details: 
        • Bring your questions, and come prepared to practice your best interviewing skills and techniques
        • Business Dress optional. 
        • For all who are ready to interview (or approaching being ready) and want to apply everything they have learned so far. 
        • Class consists of a brief review of essential elements of the interview followed by practice interviews. 
        • Volunteers may practice in front of the class and everyone will have the opportunity to practice in small groups.Receive constructive feedback from your contemporaries. 
    • Question? Call 703.536.9068 or email:

Friday, March 18, 2011

ClubCorp Regional Business and Social Mixer - Monday 3/28 5:30-8pm

Four Clubs combine for the Biggest Networking Event of the year!
  • The Tower Club
  • The City Club of Washington
  • Piedmont Club
  • River Creek Club
Network and socialize with hundreds of business professionals in an upscale, business-casual, and energetic environment! Two drink tickets and heavy hors d’oeuvres included. Clubs will host food and sports stations.

Monday, March 28th
$20 Inclusive Per Member
$30 Inclusive Per Non-Member

RSVP Today for the mixer,
call 703.761.4250!

Invite your friends and colleagues!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Presentation on “Recognizing Patterns” for The Falls Church Jobs Ministry by Judy Rodda on March 15, 2011.

Research that has been done on deeply held, lifelong interests reveals that those interests are among the most stable features of human personality. “Interests” refer to underlying basic elements of human interest and the way humans rank one or more of these basic elements over other interests – not to a love of sports, music, etc.
Gaining insight into the pattern of our deeply embedded life interests allows us to better predict the activities, work environments, living circumstances, and types of people that we will find most fulfilling. These interests are among the most important patterns of meaning to consider when asking, “What are the enduring features of my personality that I should bear in mind when making major decisions”.

This exercise on Recognizing Patterns was adapted from the book “Getting Unstuck” by Timothy Butler.

Judy Rodda is a national certified career, life and retirement coach who has helped countless JOBS! Ministry participants. Her sessions receive rave reviews and the thanks of those whom she has assisted.

When: 7:30 -9:00pm, March 15th
Where: 102 East Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA 22046
Open to all. No pre-registration required.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Job worries?

"[D]o not worry about tomorrow." Matthew 6:34.

Overcome worry and stress -- build a winning attitude in the job search. JOBS! Ministry Classes Tuesday evenings 7-9:30. Free, Open to all. This week’s focus: Managing Yourself – the Key to It All, by Jack Dunlap, JOBS! Ministry Director and “recovering’ attorney and judge (and Principal of Dunlap & Associates). Email or call (703) 536-9068.

Next week starts our Inter-Session Workshop Program continuing on Tuesday evenings, 7:30 – 9:00pm, Southgate 102.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 . . .Even “failed” interviews.

JOBS! Ministry Classes Tuesday evenings 7-9:30.  Free, Open to all. This week’s focus: Making the Right Impression – the Interview, by Kevin Cole, President, Referral Staffing.  Email or call (703) 536-9068.

20 Positive Trends - Trend 2: We Use Less Energy

"Despite our increasing standard of living and the greater consumption of energy in the U.S., the average per-person consumption of energy has fallen about 9 percent from its peak during the oil and energy crisis of 1978-1979. Furthermore, the economy as a whole is becoming more energy efficient. From 1970 to 2008 the amount of energy needed to produce a dollar's worth of goods and services dropped 53 percent."

The world is changing while you are job hunting. While most of the media would like us to think things are getting worse, the above has been one of many positive news that may not make the news today these days.

More are coming in the form of positive excerpts from the article 20 Positive Trends in the Good Neighbor Magazine by State Farm Insurance.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 Positive Trends - Trend 1: We are Safer

"Crime is down. The number of murders, robberies, rapes and assaults in the United States decreased 3.5 percent in 2008 compared with the previous year, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's most recent statistics. Property crime levels have dropped as well - 25 percent since the early 1990s. Auto theft volumne in 2008 dropped 39 percent from the year before and 42 percent from a high in 1991. Likewise, burglary rates have declined 43 percent sinc espiking in 1989."

The world is changing while you are job hunting. While most of the media would like us to think things are getting worse, the above has been one of many positive news that may not make the news today these days.

More are coming in the form of positive excerpts from the article 20 Positive Trends in the Good Neighbor Magazine by State Farm Insurance.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [including jobs] shall be added unto you. (After that you can seek a nice salary.)

JOBS! Ministry Classes Tuesday evenings 7-9:30.  Free, Open to all. This week’s focus: Salary Negotiation by Dr. Bob Roop, Vice President for Human Resources, Humane Society of the United States.  See our blog at, (website is under reconstruction) or email or call (703) 536-9068.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The JOB SEARCH: A time of spiritual depletion and exhaustion, or a time of incredible spiritual growth?

The JOBS! Ministry Classes and the Career Resource Center are here to help you make the most out of your job search, both professionally and spiritually -- 10:30am - 4:30pm, M-F, 10:00-1:00 Sat.  Southgate (100A).  Jack Dunlap (703) 536-9068. Do you have job openings?  Email them to the JOBS! Ministry at

Trying to figure out what you want to do when you grow up.

Over 40/50/60? That's OK.

Winter Semester JOBS! Ministry Classes Tuesday evenings -- 7:00-9:30pm in Southgate 106 (opposite the Historic Church). Tell your friends, neighbors, fellow employees.  Free, Open to all.

This week’s focus: God’s Plan for Your Life and Career by Tom Waite, JOBS! Ministry Director and CFO Humane Society of the United States.  Email or call (703) 536-9068.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Want to have passion in your work?

Do what you love – what you’re really good at.  Work in your gift! 

Winter Semester JOBS! Ministry Classes Tuesday evenings -- 7:00-9:30pm in Southgate 106 (opposite the Historic Church). Tell your friends, neighbors, fellow employees.  Free, Open to all.

This week’s focus: Identifying Your Gifts and Talents by Christian Stallsmith, JOBS! Ministry Director and Engineer with large consulting firm. Eemail or call (703) 536-9068.

Burying your talents instead of investing them in the Lord's work?

Want to help an active and growing ministry? Call Jack Dunlap, JOBS! Ministry Career Resource Center (703 536-9068, email him at or come to our next JOBS! Ministry Class Tuesday Night at 7:00pm in Southgate 106 across from the Historic Church. Do you have job openings? Email them to the JOBS! Ministry at

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A new beginning for those out of work - Tuesday 1/30/2010

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:18-19.  

Winter Semester JOBS! Ministry Classes Tuesday evenings -- 7:00-9:30pm in Southgate 106 (opposite the Historic Church).  Free, Open to all. This week’s focus: Networking by Mike Brunner, Former CEO, largest telephone association in US.  See our blog at, email or call (703) 536-9068.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking for a job? Discouraged? Need a Faith Lift?

JOBS! Ministry -- Looking for a job? Discouraged? Need a Faith Lift?  Receive expert assistance with your job search and build your relationship with the Lord.  Winter Semester Classes -- Tuesday evenings, 7:00-9:30pm in Southgate 106 (opposite the Historic Church). Tell your friends, neighbors, fellow employees.  Free, Open to all. This week’s focus: Resumes by Norm Thompson, former HR VP of major corporations and current CEO of Radio Free Asia.  Questions?  See our blog at, (website is under reconstruction) or email or call (703) 536-9068.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RSVP Now! 2/4/2011Workforce Ministries Lunch w President & CEO of CEO Forum, Inc

The next Workforce Ministries’ event is coming up on Friday, February 4, 2011. Come listen to Mac McQuiston, President and CEO of the CEO Forum, Inc. The mission of the CEO Forum is to develop spiritual statesmen among senior executives of major corporations, and through them, advance the Kingdom of God and impact the business and social cultures of America. Forum members include CEOs of Fortune 1,000 companies. Mac will relate the significant differences he has seen in the lives of senior business leaders.

This free lunchtime event (including sandwiches) will be held from Noon to 1pm on Friday, February 4, 2011 at Fellowship Hall, McLean Presbyterian Church, 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean, VA.

Please click on RSVP or call me if you have any questions.

Karl Pierson
703-438-0718 (home)