Here are some comments from participants of the 8-Week Career Course:
"I appreciate the heart of this ministry. In the eight weeks I have attended, [you] have grown in my perspective of the negative circumstance. I have been given new tools to strive for success in my life. Each speaker taught me something new. Thank you all for your commitment to this ministry and God."
"I found the class extremely encouraging and am very glad to have participated. I especially appreciated the embracing attitude and uplifting energy always welcoming us here every Tuesday."
"Jack is real inspiration; Christian is a true Christian leader; Tom is wonderful man of God."
"Thank you for the support and weekly reminder that God created me to do more than work. AND thank you for the opportunity to serve (paint)…it allowed me to remember how we can serve whether employed or not."
"This class exceeded my expectation; however, when God is involved in a situation, it will usually be more than we expect."
"I believe this to be a God-inspired ministry that truly provided everything I needed."
"These past two weeks have been a tremendous blessing in every respect. I only wish I had known about you earlier."